April 16 Horoscope

Being an Aries born on April 16th, your optimism and generosity are amongst your most defining qualities. You are definitely a people person, which is assisted by your ability to see the best in everyone you meet. This same positive attitude can be witnessed in all aspects of your life, as you can always see the "silver lining" in the most seemingly bleak situations. Your friends and family often marvel at your optimism, but it may be your generosity that they appreciate the most. You are a natural giver and would do just about anything to help a loved one in need.

Fire is the paired element of the Aries and in fact, you have the only fundamental connection with fire of all the zodiac signs. Much like a spark becoming a flame, fire's influence makes you a self-starter and a leader. Additionally, it is the influence of fire that links to your inner-passion and determination. When challenged, your passion burns strong and with fortitude. Fire's influence will play a key role in your future successes, as long as you avoid the impulsiveness that is amongst fire's negative qualities.

The Aries is under the planetary rulership of Mars, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are given the planetary power of Jupiter as well. Mars, being planet of assertiveness, is connected to your aggressive and vigorous qualities, but it is Jupiter, the planet of expansion, that links to your optimism, generosity and truth seeking nature. More so than any of the Aries Decans, your planetary influence makes you destined for higher learning. You may find yourself on a life long journey to acquire knowledge, which may lead you to explore philosophical and spiritual questions. These qualities make you a bit of a dreamer, but luckily your drive for success helps keep your mind grounded in the here and now. In love, find a partner that shares in your thirst for knowledge and adventurous spirit, as this pairing will bring you the most happiness.

Finding the perfect career is a life long challenge, but luckily, you have the ability to be successful in a wide variety of fields. With your many intellectual interests, you may do well in academic pursuits, such as higher education, science or research. In the same light, you may do well in careers where your drive can shine, such as business, marketing or advertising. Your warm and generous personality will always bring a smile to the face of others, which may lead you to a career on the stage, much like Selena Quintanilla, who was also born on April 16th. In whichever career you choose, strive to be the best in your field, which could be said for Kareem Abdul-Jabar, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. This symbol should be perceived as a warning. While your potential is a great asset, it is possible to obsess too greatly on it.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on April 16 and their past or present romantic connections:

Ellen Barkin (Aries) and Johnny Depp (Gemini)
Edie Adams (Aries) and Ernie Kovacs (Aquarius)

April 16 is associated with Birthday Number 11
April 16 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Wands