January 19 Horoscope

Being a Capricorn born on January 19th, your personality is characterized by intelligence, discipline and loyalty. Your mind is one of your greatest tools and you use it to effectively solve problems and meet challenges. Your strong mind is met with equally strong discipline and attention to detail. These qualities are admired by your friends, family, peers and coworkers, but it may be your loyalty that is appreciated the most. Those closest to you would gladly admit that you are extremely dedicated in relationships. You may struggle to recall a situation where you did not have your loved ones' best interests at heart.

Earth is your sign's paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your special connection with Earth makes you an initiator and more active the other Earth signs. However, you do share in the earthly prudence that all Earth zodiac signs possess. Your interests and goals are all based on realistic expectations. Your "grounded" nature will play a key role in your future successes, but you must avoid becoming overly cautious, as this will cause you to miss out on many worthwhile experiences.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Saturn, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a special dose of Mercury's planetary power as well. Saturn is the planet of control and subsequently, is responsible for your strong discipline and responsibility. In the same life, it is Mercury that ties to your gifts for communication and mental agility. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more of a natural communicator than other Capricorn Decans and it also makes you more intellectually driven. While some may be taken aback by your shrewdness, they cannot deny that you take apply dedication to all aspects of your life. In love, you are completely and whole-heartedly dedicated to relationships that you deem worthwhile. If your planetary influence had one downside, it would be a tendency to hold grudges. Make an effort to let go of past offenses, as this detracts from your overall happiness and life satisfaction.

Your natural abilities will afford you several opportunities for successful careers, although narrowing your choices down to one may be easier said than done. Your communication skills and attention to detail would be a great fit for positions in management or supervision. Similarly, you may gain satisfaction helping others in education, philanthropy or advising. You may find a career in creative expression to be the most rewarding, which may lead you to writing or poetry, much like Edgar Allan Poe, who was also born on January 19th. If you are musically inclined, you may express yourself lyrically, which was the case for Dolly Parton, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a secret meeting of men responsible for executive decision in world affairs. You may be approaching a time in your life where a critical decision must be made. Apprehension is natural, but realize you can make mature decisions with the help of others.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on January 19 and their past or present romantic connections:

Katey Sagal (Capricorn) and Kurt Sutter (Taurus)
Zooey Deschanel (Capricorn) and Ben Gibbard (Leo)

January 19 is associated with Birthday Number 11
January 19 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Pentacles