July 17 Horoscope

Being a Cancer born on July 17th, you are known for you optimism, sensitivity and intuition. You often impress others with the nearly psychic ability to know exactly what they are feeling or thinking. You use your emotional understanding to express empathy to those in need. Your friends appreciate this skill, but they also love your upbeat and positive attitude. Even in the worst situations, you have the special ability to find the bright side of things.

Water is your element and out of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the most fundamental connection with the element. Water and emotions go hand in hand, which explains why you often find yourself riding waves of emotion. From these experiences you gain understanding, which you then apply to relating to the shaky emotional waters that other also feel. Your compassion will continue to grow as you embrace these qualities of water. The influence of water is not all positive however, as becoming overly submerged can result in emotional instability and moodiness.

Cancer's planetary ruler is the moon, but because you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also influenced by Neptune. If the moon could be described simply as the influence of sensitivity, Neptune would be described as the influence of spirituality and imagination. As these planet's powers combine, you were born as a romantic dreamer. Often with your head in the clouds, you live in a world of possibilities and fantasy. You take on love in a similar nature, often playing with romantic novelties. Although this brings much enjoyment, reality can sometimes fall short. In times like these, tapping into your undying optimism is key. While imagination is a great gift, you must always be aware that there are times when you would be better served focusing on reality.

You have a variety of ideas and have the ability to express them in creative ways; use this gift when choosing a career. You may find your passion in making others laugh, which was the path of Phyllis Diller, who was also born on July 17th. Some other form of creative expression, such as acting may be more your calling. If so, look to the success of David Hasselhoff, another of your birthday twins, for encouragement. On the other hand, your compassion could also lead to a more humanitarian, people-focused career like teaching or social work.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is guests reading in the library of a luxurious home. You have a natural curiosity that materializes in varied intellectual pursuits, as well as self-exploration. In order to continue an expansion of consciousness, you must first satisfy the more practical aspects of life. `

Here are a few Cancer celebrities born on July 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Cary Hart (Cancer) and Pink (Virgo)
Camilla Parker Bowles (Cancer) and Prince Charles (Scorpio)

July 17 is associated with Birthday Number 6
July 17 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Cups