July 23 Horoscope

Being a Leo born on July 23rd you are extremely extroverted and find great comfort in being the center of attention. Your sociability is paired well with your kind and loving nature, which explains why you have an overwhelming amount of friends. You have a strong need for independence and sometimes frustrate your loved with ones with an undying need to take charge. Luckily, you take on tasks with such enthusiasm that people are happy to follow your lead.

Fire is your paired element and your sign actually has the most cardinal relationship with the element. At times you may feel the influence of fire burning inside you in the form of great confidence, energy and passion. Embracing these qualities of fire create great potential for success in your life as your drive and willpower can be unparalleled at times. Take care to remember that any fire can burn out of control, which, in your case, can lead to egotism, impulsiveness and impatience.

The Sun in the planetary ruler of your sign and because you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign you experience twice the Sun's influence. The Sun's influence manifest in vitality, ego and creativity. The Sun's influence connects to the relentless way in which you tackle your work and tasks. While others enjoy leisure, you feel incomplete if you are not moving on to the next job. These qualities allow you to take on any task and solve any problem with fortitude. You go to great lengths to hide your insecurities, instead choosing to cover them with pure outgoingness. Although you are not a fan of your sensitivity, don't be afraid to share it with those closest to you.

Your creative and outgoing nature may make choosing a career difficult, mainly because there are so many options that interest you. As a natural leader, a career in business or management would suit you well. As you love to be the center of attention, a career in entertainment may also be of interest. If you are musically inclined, look to the work of guitarist Slash, who was also born on July 23rd, for encouragement. The acting of Daniel Radcliffe, another of your birthday twins, may also serve as inspiration.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an epidemic of the Mumps. You have the potential to be "infected " by the experiences of those around you. While the symbol uses the Mumps, which implies a negative situation, learning from those around you can be quite positive. It is important to notice when you are being influenced by others and to note how these things align with your personal value system.

Here are a few Leo celebrities born on July 23 and their past or present romantic connections:

Daniel Radcliffe (Leo) and Laura O'Toole (Gemini)
Monica Lewinsky (Leo) and Bill Clinton (Leo)

July 23 is associated with Birthday Number 3
July 23 is associated with Tarot Card 5 of Wands