March 28 Horoscope

Being an Aries born on March 28th, your personality is defined by enthusiasm, passion and energy. In all matters of life, you display an excitement and passion that few people can match. This quality makes you very driven for success, as you are always determined to be the best in whatever you do. Those closest to you would be the first to attest to your strong will and energy. In fact, people actually gravitate to your personality, which makes you a natural leader. Whether or not your realize it, people will always follow your lead.

Your sign's paired element is fire and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your fundamental relationship with fire gives you the self-starting qualities of a spontaneous flame. When you feel a challenge is worthwhile, your fire burns with fortitude as you work to accomplish your goals. Embracing fire's qualities can become one of your greatest strengths, as long as you work to avoid the impatience that hinders all fire signs.

The Aries is under the planetary rule of Mars and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Mars lends you twice its influence. Being the planet of assertiveness, the influence of Mars is reflected in your action, vigor and courage. Your unique planetary influence makes you the most dominant and aggressive of all the Aries Decans. You are never satisfied with your current level of success and actively seek out new challenges to overcome. While this quality gives you limitless potential, it can become detrimental if you rush into things too hastily. Finding patience will be one of your most notable challenges, but it is one well-worth conquering. In love, find a partner that shares in your passion and energy, as this pairing will bring you the most excitement and happiness.

Your natural abilities will give you several career opportunities to explore, although choosing one is always easier said than done. With a need for success, you may be drawn to demanding fields like business, sales, advertising, public relations, or marketing. Similarly, your drive may make you a successful agent or lawyer. If you are musically inclined, your passion may be a great fit for the stage, much like Lady Gaga, who was also born on March 28th. If the world of entertainment is alluring, you may be drawn to media or film, which was the case for Vince Vaughn, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind. This symbol relates to sensitivity and protection. As you remain on a journey to a developed consciousness, allow your spirit and intuition to play a major role. Your inner guidance will protect you through all your endeavors.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on March 28 and their past or present romantic connections:

Vince Vaughn (Aries) and Jennifer Aniston (Aquarius)
Julia Stiles (Aries) and Heath Ledger (Aries)

March 28 is associated with Birthday Number 4
March 28 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Wands