May 10 Horoscope

As a Taurus born on May 10th, you are well known for a charming and tactful personality. By now, you are likely to realize that people are drawn to your sense of humor and special brand of whit. With your social understanding and gifts for communication, you find it easy to connect with others, although you may prefer to keep a small group of close friends. Your charisma is paired nicely with you gifts for tact and diplomacy. You can likely recall numerous situations where you knew exactly what to say to protect someone's feelings or prevent a situation from getting out of hand.

The Taurus is paired with the Earth element and in fact, you have the only fixed relationship with Earth of all the zodiac signs. Your special connection with Earth explains for the powerful and stable qualities that define your being. As is the case with all Earth signs, your elemental influence keeps you grounded and realistic. Embracing Earth's prudent qualities will keep you on a path to success and material gain. However, you should be aware of Earth's negative influence, which includes an overly cautious and conservative mindset.

Venus is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the Taurus sign, you also receive an important dose of Mercury's planetary influence. Being the planet of harmony, the power of Venus can be seen in your warmth, sociability and appreciation of beauty. In the same sense, it is Mercury's mysterious power that drives your quick mind. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you the most practical and thoughtful of all the Taurus Decans. Hard work has never been a challenge to you, as long as the results are practical and worthwhile. In the same sense, your practicality has helped to form your life's ambitions, which are focused more on security than notoriety. It may take you some time to open up, but you are completely honest in all your close relationships. In love, you value faithfulness, affection and loyalty above all else.

There are many potential careers to choose from, so remember that there is no rush in settling on a lifelong career. Your prudence and practicality may lead you into careers such as banking, accounting, real estate or business. On the other hand, your compassion and sociability could lead you into social work, fund raising or activism, which is the case for Paul Bono Hewson, who was also born on May 10th. Your charm may do well entertaining others, either on the stage or screen, much like Kenan Thompson, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky. This symbol serves as a reminder to count your blessings. Regardless of your religious affiliations, you must be aware of the many spiritual forces at work in your life. Embracing these forces can play a key role in your future successes.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on May 10 and their past or present romantic connections:

Olivia Wilde (Taurus) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sagittarius)
Andrea Anders (Taurus) and Matt LeBlanc (Leo)

May 10 is associated with Birthday Number 6
May 10 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Pentacles