May 29 Horoscope

Being a Gemini born on May 29th, you love to communicate. Regardless of the volume of which you speak, you make sure everything you say is thoughtful and articulate. Being able to interact with those around you excites and energizes you. Your abilities rarely go unnoticed or unappreciated, as you notice certain people that openly seek your company. What others call whit or being clever, you call natural.

Mercury's paired element is air and it is from this element that many of your qualities are influenced. Your relationship with air is of its light, less forceful qualities. A gentle breeze or mild wind is never forceful, but more stimulating. Your mind is often stimulated by a light gust of curiosity or sociality. Embrace these qualities of air to enrich your life, but be weary of the fact that a failure to do so may result in the lethargic and aloof qualities of stagnant air.

Mercury is the ruling planet of the Gemini sign and because you are born in the first Decan, or part of the sign, you are doubly influenced by Mercury. As the planet of mentality, Mercury enhances your ability to communicate with a clearness of mind and rational. Your special combination of planetary influences gives you the most ingenious sense of humor of all the Gemini Decans. You have a special gift for entertaining others, which makes you quite likable. If you had one downfall, it would be your tendency to demand perfection in all that you do. While there is nothing wrong with wanting the best for yourself and those around you, it is important to stay realistic in your expectations. In love, find a partner that appreciates your quick mind and helps you to take things less seriously, as this will bring you the most happiness.

A lack of passion is your greatest enemy and embracing expression is your greatest ally. Take the time to explore different avenues of expression, such as the simplicity of making someone laugh, which was the interest of Bob Hope, who was also born on May 29th. It may even be in your interest to find a cause to stand for, much like John F. Kennedy, another one of your birthday twins. Your gifts for communication may also take you into careers such as writing, education, advertising or pubic relations. Remember that your mental power will give you the chance for success in any field you choose to explore.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a quiver filled with arrows. Like an archer, you are focused on a target. You have the ability to not only hit the target, but go through it. It is this certainty in direction that will lead to success in life. However, you must take time to understand whether your target has been chosen out of necessity or for selfish conquests.

Here are a few Gemini celebrities born on May 29 and their past or present romantic connections:

Mary Pickford (Gemini) and Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (Gemini)
Alexa Davalos (Gemini) and Vin Diesel (Cancer)

May 29 is associated with Birthday Number 7
May 29 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Swords