May 5 Horoscope

Being a Taurus born on May 5th, your personality is defined by charm and practicality. You have a special brand of whit and charisma that others greatly enjoy. Although you easily connect with people, you may prefer to only open up to a select few. Your charms are well known, but it is your practicality that is one of your greatest strengths. In all aspects of your life, you prefer hard work and real results. You would be surprised to know that your family and friends are truly inspired by these qualities.

The paired element of the Taurus is earth and in fact, you have the only fixed relationship with Earth of all the zodiac signs. Much like an immovable boulder, your special connection with Earth gives your personality stable and powerful qualities. While some may be frustrated with your stubborn ways, they are only a result of your earthly practicality and prudence. As you embrace Earth's influence and stay grounded in your aspirations, you will surely stay on the path to success.

Your sign's ruling planet is Venus, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the Taurus sign, you also receive a generous dose of Mercury's planetary power. While the influence of Venus is reflected in your appreciation of beauty, warmth and social nature, it is Mercury's power that gives you mental agility and strong communication skills. More so than any of the other Taurus Decans, your planetary influence makes you thoughtful in all matters of life. Socially, you use your understanding to protect the feelings of others by being tactful and diplomatic. Although you are hard working by nature, you only value things that you feel are practical. In love, you are open, honest and loyal to those you hold dear. Find a partner that shares in your faithful and practical nature, as this pairing will bring you the most happiness and satisfaction.

With your active mind and determination, there are few limits on your career potential. Business sense and practicality make you perfect for fields such as real estate, promotion, advertising or sales. On the other hand, your analytical mind could take you into the depths of intellectual thinking or philosophy, which was the path of Karl Marx, who was also born on May 5th. If you take time to develop your musical talents, your charms could be effective on stage, not unlike Adele, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man with rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, braves a storm. This symbol is a representation of your strong character.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on May 5 and their past or present romantic connections:

Chris Brown (Taurus) and Rihanna (Pisces)
Danielle Fishel (Taurus) and Ben Savage (Virgo)

May 5 is associated with Birthday Number 1
May 5 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Pentacles