May 9 Horoscope

Being a Taurus born on May 9th, you are well known for your tact, diplomacy and charm. You have the innate ability to always say the right thing at the right time. On numerous occasions, you have used this ability to keep the peace and protect others feelings. While those closest to you appreciate your tact, it may be your charm that they enjoy the most. You have a special brand of whit and unique sense of humor, which explains why people find you so pleasant and likable.

Your sign's elemental pair is Earth and in fact, you have the only fixed connection to Earth of all the zodiac signs. Much like a immovable boulder, your special connection with Earth makes you stubborn and powerful. As is the case with all Earth signs, your earthly influences makes you prudent and practical in all your efforts. While others live with their heads in the clouds, your elemental connection keeps you grounded and realistic. Embrace your elemental power, as it will play a key role in your future success.

The Taurus is under the planetary rule of Venus, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a dose of Mercury's mysterious power. While it is Venus that can be credited with your sociability and cooperation, it is Mercury's influence that links to your gifts for communication and agile mind. Your unique blend of planetary influence makes you the most practical of all the Taurus Decans. You are hardworking and determined, given that you feel your task will bring about practical and worthwhile gains. This practical nature dominate most of your life's aspirations, as you value comfort and security more than the spotlight. In love, your determination takes the form of loyalty and honesty. Find a partner that shares in these values, as this pairing will bring you the most happiness and satisfaction.

Your determination will always give you the opportunity for success, so your greatest challenge may be finding the career you enjoy the most. With gifts of communication and understanding, you may do well in teaching, sales or lecturing. Similarly, your intellectual interests could lead you into higher education and philosophy. Your charisma could appeal to audiences as a writer or journalism, which was the case for Mike Wallace, who was also born on May 8th. If you are drawn to the world of entertainment, the exciting, fast paced world of television, media or film may be a good fit, not unlike Rosario Dawson, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a new continent rising out of the ocean. This symbol is a reminder of the importance of spontaneity in all aspects of life. Especially in times of crisis, you must realize that there is potential for success and unforeseen outcomes. Embrace the surge of possibilities in your life.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on May 9 and their past or present romantic connections:

Billy Joel (Taurus) and Christie Brinkley (Aquarius)
Rosario Dawson (Taurus) and Colin Farrell (Gemini)

May 9 is associated with Birthday Number 5
May 9 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Pentacles