October 2 Horoscope

As a Libra born on October 2nd, you are well-known for your cleverness, imagination and diplomacy. While others prefer to stick to themselves, you find the most excitement in a social setting. You love applying your creativity and imagination into unique observations and witty remarks. While your friends greatly appreciate your clever humor, they may appreciate your diplomacy even more. When the group has a disagreement or issue, you use your creativity to solve problems and bring order.

The Libra's paired element is air and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a fundamental connection with the element. It is air's influence that pushes you to be an active self-starter. Your undying curiosity places you on a constant pursuit of knowledge. When something peaks your interest, you are driven to understand and learn about it. Continue to embrace these qualities of active air, as they will grow to be one of your most important assets. Take care to avoid the qualities of still air, which include aloofness and a lack of sociability.

Venus is your sign's ruling planet, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Venus has twice the influence over you. Venus connects directly with your need for harmony, your social nature and your appreciation of beauty. Venus also ties with your romanticism, which appears in your intimate relationships. Commitment may be difficult at times, but once you decide on a partner, you take great care into maintaining passion. You bring your creativity and imagination into relationships, often thinking of inventive ways to express affection to your partner. To insure happiness in relationships, attempt to find a partner that shares in your romanticism, as well as your need for peace and harmony.

Your creativity and diplomacy are a fine fit for numerous careers, although choosing one career path may be easier said than done. Your skills would be a great fit for media, public relations, social work or negotiation. If you find yourself more invested in intellectual pursuits, a career in teaching, science, or psychology may also be rewarding. You may apply your creativity to fight for a cause, much like Mahatma Ghandi, who was also born on October 2nd. In whichever career you choose, look to do something no one else has achieved, which was the path of Rima Fakih, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a canoe reaching calm waters after passing through dangerous rapids. The path to emotional stability is never an easy one. Only after passing through the possibly chaotic inner workings of your mind, can you then achieve inner peace. Once you have achieved self control, it will be possible to experience relief.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on October 2 and their past or present romantic connections:

Kelly Ripa (Libra) and Mark Consuelos (Aries)
Sting (Libra) and Trudie Styler (Capricorn)

October 2 is associated with Birthday Number 3
October 2 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Swords