October 22 Horoscope

As a Libra born on October 22nd, you are characterized by your analytical mind, social nature and loyalty. While there are some people who choose to keep their thoughts to themselves, you never fail to take a chance to share your mind's inner workings. You have a gift for communication, which is reflected in your quick whit and clever observations. Your friends and family appreciate your cleverness, almost as much as they appreciate your undying loyalty.

Your sign's paired element is air and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a cardinal relationship with the element. Air's subtle influence is responsible for the curiosity that often stirs within you like a gentle breeze. As a self-starter, you turn your curiosity into a focused quest for knowledge and understanding. Embracing these active qualities of air will help you meet your future goals, but free yourself from the more stagnant qualities of air, which materialize in unemotional and aloof moods.

The Libra's planetary ruler is Venus, but as you were born on the last day of the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Mercury also lends you a generous helping of planetary power. As Venus is the planet of harmony, it is responsible for your social and cooperative nature. Similarly, Mercury is the planet of communication, which explains for your agile mind and gift of gab. Your unique planetary influences combine to make you more analytically focused than other Libra Decans. You will find the most satisfaction from life when you embrace your need to find meaning and understanding. Luckily, you cannot commit all your efforts to your quest for knowledge, as you also need close, loving relationships to feel complete. In love, find a partner that shares in your value of commitment, faithfulness and devotion, as this will bring you the most happiness.

While narrowing your career options down to one path may be very difficult, you are lucky enough to be naturally suited for success in numerous careers. Your analytical abilities may lead you down a career path in science, research or education. Similarly, your natural social skills and curiosity may translate well into a career in media, journalism or public relations. If the entertainment world is alluring, you may find satisfaction in entertaining others, much like Curly Howard, who was also born on October 22nd. If you are more musically inclined, look to the success of Zac Hanson, another of your celebrity birthday twins, for motivation.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head. While the importance of academic knowledge is obviously important, you should not neglect your philosophical understanding. There is much spiritual meaning to be found in every day objects and situations, but it is your job to find it.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on October 22 and their past or present romantic connections:

Jeff Goldblum (Libra) and Geena Davis (Aquarius)
Saffron Burrows (Libra) and Alan Cumming (Aquarius)

October 22 is associated with Birthday Number 5
October 22 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Swords