1946 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 2, 1946 and January 21, 1947 are members of the Fire Dog Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 2nd, please consult the 1945 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Wood Rooster.

The influence of the Fire Element makes the Fire Dog the most energetic, bold and courageous of all the Dog types. In all aspects of life, the Fire Dog displays confidence and an unbending will. These qualities, when paired with charisma and charm, make the Fire Dog one of the most effective leaders of its sign. The Fire Dog enjoys social settings, as they have the chance to attract others with their innate enthusiasm. A natural adventurer, the Fire Dog is always on the hunt for new, exciting experiences. It is this fearlessness that makes the Fire Dog destined for success.

The hardworking Fire Dog can be successful in a variety of careers. The Fire Dog will enjoy a high ranking positions, especially in business, law, medicine or finance. Similarly, the Fire Dog's need for excitement can be fed with a more travel-based career, such as sales or international relations. Those born in the Fire Dog sign have been known to wow audiences with their passion. This can be seen in the careers of Cher and Freddie Mercury, who were both born under the 1946 Chinese Zodiac.

The Fire Dog has many strengths, but this does not mean the sign is free of weakness. The Fire Dog prefers to be the leader of their own domain, which explains their resistance to change and influence. In a similar light, the adventurous Fire Dog is likely to become restless if their need for excitement is not met. In order to counter these shortcomings, the Fire Dog should take time to facilitate inner peace and feel content in their efforts.

The organ of the Fire Dog is the heart. As the heart is arguably one of the most important organs for overall health, the Fire Dog should maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle to protect this organ.