1974 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between January 23, 1974 and February 10, 1975 are members of the Wood Tiger Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before January 23rd, please consult the 1973 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Wood Ox.

With a fixed element of Wood as well, the Wood Tiger is doubly influenced by the Wood Element. More so than any other members of the Tiger sign, the Wood Tiger prefers stability to adventure and impulsiveness. In the same sense, the Wood Tiger has a unique burst of creativity, which is less prevalent in other Tiger types. Although still possessing the determination of the Tiger, the Wood Tiger works well in cooperative settings, which allows members of the sign to gain great popularity. With a strong, loving personality, the Wood Tiger takes great satisfaction in a close-knit family life.

With strong social skills and passion, the Wood Tiger can do well in a variety of careers. The Wood Tiger's team player attitude would do well in the worlds of business and advertising, where group solidarity is key for success. A natural performer and highly artistic, Wood Tigers are known to be successful singers and performers, which can be seen in the careers of Ceelo Green and Alanis Morissette, who are both Wood Tigers born in 1974.

The challenges of the Wood Tiger will always be their strong emotions. At times, the Wood Tiger can be overtaken by temper and overcome by difficulties controlling their impulses. With time and concentration, the Wood Tiger can use self-discipline to fight these shortcomings.

The organs of the Wood Tiger are the gall bladder and the liver. The Wood Tiger is encouraged to protect their vital organs with limited intake of alcohol and other harmful substances.