1989 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 6, 1989 and January 26, 1990 are members of the Wood Snake Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 6th, please consult the 1989 Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Earth Dragon.

Under the practical influence of the Earth Element, the Earth Snake is the most common sense oriented of all the Snake types. The Earth Snake takes a grounded and prudent approach to all matter in life, especially their goals and aspirations. Foregoing the temptation to be brash, the Earth Snake display patience when overcoming obstacles. Similarly, the Earth Snake also differs from other members of their sign by being more direct and straightforward in all of their social dealings. This quality is paired nicely with the Earth Snake's gifts for compassionate and understanding communication. With their social and trustworthy natures, the Earth Snake is one of the most well-liked members of the Snake sign.

With practical sensibility and a gift for communication, there are many potential careers for the Earth Snake to explore. By embracing their empathy, the Earth Snake would do well as a psychiatrist, doctor, or politician. On the other hand, the fiscal sense of the Earth Snake could lead to success in business, banking or financial consulting. Additionally, those born under the Earth Snake sign have been known to find great success as entertainers. This can be seen in the careers of Daniel Radcliffe and Taylor Swift, who are both born under the 1989 Chinese Zodiac.

Although the Earth Snake has many positive qualities, their zodiac influence also has some challenging aspects. The Earth Snake is known for its aversion to risk taking, but at times, this tendency to play it safe can become a weakness. When the Earth Snake is too cautious, they can lose confidence and miss out on opportunities. In this sense, the Earth Snake is should not be afraid to seise worthwhile opportunities.

The organs of the Earth Snake are the spleen, stomach and pancreas. As these organs play a vital role in overall health, the Earth Snake is encouraged to protect these organs by avoiding rich, fatty foods and engaging in physical activity.