1992 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 4, 1992 and January 22, 1993 are members of the Water Monkey Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 4th, please consult the 1991 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Metal Sheep.

Born under the influence of the Water Element, the Water Monkey is the most sensitive and adaptable of all the Monkey types. Although quite mysterious, the Water Monkey uses gifts for understanding to connect with others. The Water Monkey is an outstanding communicator and is known for their ability to listen. More so than other members of the Monkey sign, the Water Monkey is secretive and can often keep their true feelings and emotions to themselves. The curiosity of the Water Monkey is notable, which explains why they are always trying to find new, exciting experiences.

Creative and compassionate, there are many careers that the Water Monkey can explore. With strong communication skills, the Water Monkey can find success in sales, journalism, writing or communications. Similarly, the humanitarian interests of the Water Monkey could translate well into teaching or medicine. Additionally, the born under the Water Monkey sign have been known for their expressive performances. This can be seen in the budding acting careers of Selena Gomez and Josh Hutcherson, who were both born in 1992.

The Water Monkey has many strengths, but the sign is not without a few weaknesses as well. The sensitive Water Monkey always runs the risk of being overly delicate with emotional matters. In this sense, it is not uncommon for the Water Monkey to be deeply hurt by the words or actions of another. As insecurity can be a lifelong struggle for the Water Monkey, they are encouraged to to have security in intimate personal relationships.

The organs of the Water Monkey are the kidneys. By reducing stress and the intake of harmful substances like alcohol, the Water Monkey can strengthen and protect their vital organ.