1996 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 are members of the Fire Rat Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 18th, please consult the 1995 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Wood Pig.

The passion and energy of the Fire Element make the Fire Rat the most active and dynamic of all the Rat signs. More so than other members of the Rat zodiac, the Fire Rat is led by their heart, which makes them independent, competitive and impulsive at times. In this sense, the Fire Rat is less concerned with the routine security that other members of their sign actively seek. Instead, these passionate individuals prefer to have ever-changing surroundings and companions. The Fire Rat is extremely social and takes opportunities to display their selfless and generous qualities.

The Fire Rat's energy can take them into virtually any career that they decide to pursue. When paired with their upbeat and warm personality, Fire Rats can be very successful in positions where charisma in key, such as sales. Fire Rats are also well known to find great success on screen, which can be seen in the memorable roles of Abigail Breslin and Hailee Steinfeld, who were both born in 1996.

The influence of the Fire Element makes the Fire Rat impatient at times. Additionally, members of this zodiac sign can be insensitive, blunt and rash in their communication. Fire Rats are encourage to embrace their passion, but to be aware of situations where patience and understanding are more effective. It is also important for the Fire Rat to cultivate self-discipline, as their impulsive nature can become detrimental at times.

The organ of the Fire Rat is the heart. Make sure to maintain a well-rounded diet and exercise routine to support the health of this important organ.