May 22 Horoscope

Being a Gemini born on May 22nd, your personality is dominated by an interest in others and your talents are found in an innate ability to communicate. You can effortlessly string together words and observations that impress your peers with their accuracy and thoughtfulness. These qualities make you the "life of the party" and a very favorable companion to friends. Conversation is such a pivotal part of your being that you may feel lost or incomplete if deprived for too long.

The elemental pair of the Gemini is air and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Your unique relationship air allows your personality to take on the changeable qualities of unpredictable winds. Like flowing air, you are ever moving and changing and it is because of this influence that your curiosity is constant. Embrace your "winds" of curiosity and let them blow with purpose. Pay attention to your feelings, because when the influence of air becomes stale, you may become distant and lack emotional conviction.

Mercury is the ruling planet of the Gemini sign, but your birthday also falls within the first Decan, or part of the Gemini sign, which means Mercury has twice the influence on you. The power of mercury supports rational and knowledgeable communication, which improves your awareness, especially in the realm of change. More so than any of the other Gemini Decans, your planetary power gives you a great sense of humor and gifts for articulation. While you may be a bit of a perfectionist at times, this will only be negative if you become too wrapped up in unobtainable goals. Take time to create realistic expectations for yourself and those around you to avoid disappointment.

It may help you in life to find an issue or problem that you feel passionate about. Like Harvey Milk, who was also born on May 22nd, your gift with words and communication could unite others and create change. If you don't feel your gifts are best suited for oration, maybe your gifts would be better used on the page, which was the path of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes novels, who was also born on your birthday. Similarly, your quick mind could lead to success in more traditional fields, such as business, writing, education or management.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is Santa Claus filling Christmas stockings. At times your actions are motivated only by purity and innocence. Unlike so many, you are aware of the wants and needs of others and you reserve a part of your heart for trying to satisfy others.

Here are a few Gemini celebrities born on May 22 and their past or present romantic connections:

Naomi Campbell (Gemini) and Gerard Butler (Scorpio)
Ginnifer Goodwin (Gemini) and Justin Long (Gemini)

May 22 is associated with Birthday Number 9
May 22 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Swords