1940 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between January 29, 1940 and February 16, 1941 are members of the Fire Rat Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before January 29th, please consult the 1999 Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Earth Rabbit, as this is the year that shares the same qualities as the 1939 Chinese Zodiac year.

Under the influence of the Metal Element, the Metal Dragon is the most intensely dominant of all the Dragon types. The Metal Dragon is extremely confident and rarely questions themselves or their viewpoints. In this sense, the Metal Dragon can be outspoken and critical in times when others do not agree with their opinion. As natural leaders, the Metal Dragon will always choose action over thinking, which is a quality that others gravitate to. Socially, the Metal Dragon can be a bit of a loner, but this is only a product of their extreme honesty that others often find harsh. The Metal Dragon is known to stick up for their ideals and will fight against any force that they feel to be unjust.

The drive and inner strength of the Metal Dragon create a variety of career options to explore. The Metal Dragon thrives in competitive fields, such as business, advertising, finance, law or stock exchange. In the same sense, the intense Metal Dragon could find success in the structured environments of medicine, law enforcement, or military. Metal Dragons have been known to find great success in acting, which can be seen in the lives of Al Pacino and Patrick Stewart, who are both Metal Dragons born in 1940.

While the passionate and determined Metal Dragon has many strengths, they are not without their weaknesses. The stern Metal Dragon can be too inflexible at times and fail to see the accuracy of alternative point of views. Similarly, the Metal Dragon often becomes frustrated with themselves, and others, as a result of impossibly high standards. In order to counteract their shortcomings, the Metal Dragon is encouraged to embrace flexibility and a more playful attitude at times.

The organ of the Metal Dragon is the lungs. The Metal Dragon is encouraged to strengthen their vital organ with playful exercise.