1950 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 17, 1950 and February 5, 1951 are members of the Metal Tiger Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 17th please consult the 1949 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Metal Ox.

Under the influence of the Metal Element, the Metal Tiger becomes one of the most confident and self-interested of all the Tiger signs. When there is a goal that the Metal Tiger wishes to achieve, it will be met with focus and determination. In this sense, the Metal Tiger can be an exceptional leader, as long as their word is considered law. The Metal Tiger can be a great friend, but as an enemy, their uncompromising passion can prove to be very difficult to overcome.

The self-interest of the Metal Tiger makes material and professional gains very important in their life. In this sense, their drive for success and fearlessness would be well-suited for the competitive fields of business or perhaps entrepreneurship, which was the case for Metal tiger Richard Branson. Similarly, the Metal Tiger can find success in management, teaching or administration. Those born under the Metal Tiger sign can always pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacle; a fact that can be seen in the life of Stevie Wonder, who was also born in 1950.

At times, the passionate Metal Tiger runs the risk of being to self-centered and self-confident. In these times, the Metal Tiger has difficulty realizing their own shortcomings or flaws in logic. However, with time, the Metal Tiger can learn to consider the interests and opinions of others in their decision making process.

The organs of the Metal Tiger are the lungs. Those born under this sign are encourage to maintain healthy aerobic activity, to strengthen these precious organs.