1954 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 3, 1954 and January 23, 1955 are members of the Wood Horse Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 3rd, please consult the 1953 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Water Snake.

Under the influence of the Wood Element, the Wood Horse is one of the most patient and creative members of the Horse sign. While other members of the Horse sign are burdened with indecisiveness, the Wood Horse is capable of picking a direction in life and working towards clear goals. The Wood Horse takes this same determination into their personal relationships, which they are heavily committed to. With gifts of understanding and a calm demeanor, the Wood Horse is very successful in cooperative social situations. The Wood Horse has a bit of adventurous side and is not afraid to commit fully to the unknown.

Calm, social, creative and influential, there are a variety of careers that can translate to success for the Wood Horse. Their strong people skills could go far in careers such as sales, business, advertising, communications or counseling. Similarly, adventurous nature of the Wood Horse could lead to a career in journalism, research or sports. On the other hand, innovate members of the Wood Horse sign have been known to entertain audiences with comedic genius. This can be seen in the successful careers of Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Belushi, who were both born in 1954.

Although destined for success, the life of the Wood Horse will be challenged by some shortcomings. At times, the Wood Horse's need for adventure can become detrimental if they do not think things through. Additionally, the Wood Horse is prone to bouts of stress and anxiety. In order to counteract these difficulties, those born under the Wood Horse sign are encouraged to spend time to maintain their emotional health.

The organ of the Wood Horse is the liver. As the liver is one of the most important organs for a sustained life, those born under the Wood Horse sign are encouraged to protect this vital organ with a healthy, active lifestyle.