1955 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between January 24, 1955 and February 11, 1956 are members of the Wood Sheep Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before January 24th, please consult the 1954 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Wood Snake.

Under the influence of the Wood Element, the Wood Sheep becomes one of the most nurturing and caring of the Sheep types. Members of the Wood Sheep sign can be quite introspective, which allows them to develop a quiet wisdom. Although reserved, the Wood Sheep wins over many friends and companions with their compassionate and kind nature. As natural counselors, the Wood Sheep does well at lending support, especially of the emotional variety. In their romantic relationships, the Wood Sheep is known for affection, loyalty and adoration.

Full of compassion, there are many potential careers for the Wood Sheep to explore. Wood Sheep can find great satisfaction in humanitarian careers, such as education, social work or counseling. By embracing their artistic inclinations, the Wood Sheep may find fulfillment as a painter, graphic designer or landscaper. On the other hand, members of the Wood Sheep sign have also been known to help improve humanity as entrepreneurs. This quality can be seen in the successes of Bill Gates and Steven Jobs, who were both born in 1955.

Although the personality of the Wood Sheep has many positive qualities, members of the sign have some challenges to overcome. The nurturing and giving qualities of the Wood Sheep can easily be taken advantage of by others. Similarly, the Wood Sheep can easily spread themselves to thin by being too helpful. In order to counteract their natural naivety, the Wood Sheep is encouraged to have more caution in their social interactions.

The organs of the Wood Sheep are the liver and the gall bladder. To protect these vital organs, those born under the Wood Sheep sign are encouraged to have healthy food intake and avoid the excess consumption of alcohol.