December 13 Horoscope

As a Sagittarius born on December 13th, you are charismatic and live life on the edge. You are naturally charming and warm and as a result, people seem to gravitate to you. You are quite popular, which is great because you do not mind being the center of attention. Social settings are simply a stage for you to perform to your audience. In life, your charm is paired with a desire to achieve greatness, despite any risks that may be involved. At times, you are truly fearless!

Fires is your sign's paired element and in fact, of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Fire's influences gives you the passion and enthusiasm that all those under fire signs share, but it also gives you the added benefit of adaptability and communication. As you continue to embrace fire's positive qualities, you will be assisted on your path to success, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that is associated with this element.

The Sagittarius is under the planetary ruler of Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive the special power of the Sun. Jupiter, being the planet of expansion, helps fuel your adventurous and truth-seeking personality. The Sun, the planet of integration, drives your individuality, creativity and willpower. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you much more of a showman and a risk taker than the other Sagittarius Decans. You love praise, admiration and acclaim, which explains why you will do whatever is necessary to reach these things. While these qualities create the possibility of failure, they also give you a chance for unprecedented success. In love, find a partner who appreciates your performer mentality, as this is a lifelong trait.

While settling on a career is always difficult, your natural abilities will translate well into success in numerous fields. Since you prefer an audience, you may do well in teaching, business, or law. Similarly, you could easily be drawn into the world of entertainment, television or film, much like Jamie Foxx, who was also born on December 13th. If you are more musically inclined, you may be a gifted lyricist or musician, as was the case for Taylor Swift, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses. This symbol suggests the importance of imagination in future growth. In addition, it relates to the effectiveness of learning through imitation. Combing both of these practices can play a key role in your future successes.

Here are a few Sagittarius celebrities born on December 13 and their past or present romantic connections:

Taylor Swift (Sagittarius) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sagittarius)
Christopher Plummer (Sagittarius) and Tammy Grimes (Aquarius)

December 13 is associated with Birthday Number 7
December 13 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Wands