February 22 Horoscope

Being a Pisces born on February 22nd, your personality is defined by your intuition, selflessness and imagination. You have a natural connection to the emotions of others, which explains for your ability to sense when others are upset or troubled. While others may be content simply understanding the emotions of others, you are not satisfied unless you can also offer support. Your loved ones can attest to your selfless nature, as they would struggle to recall a time when you did not have their best interests at heart. In addition to your compassion, you also have a very active imagination. When paired with your positivity, your active mind allows you to be optimistic about possibilities in all aspects of life.

Water is your signs paired element and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have an adaptable relationship with the element. Your connection with water allows you to take on the changeable and fluid qualities of free-flowing water. While this makes you an effective communicator, it also makes you very comfortable in the deep seas of emotion. As you experience strong "waves" of emotion, you gain depth and understanding. Embracing water's qualities will allow additional development of your compassion, but be careful to avoid the moodiness that can arise with an overindulgence in the emotions.

The Pisces is under the planetary rulership of Neptune and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Neptune's influence is twice as strong within you. Being the planet of refinement, Neptune's influence is reflected in your sensitivity, compassion and vision. More so than any of the Pisces Decans, your planetary influence makes you a natural romantic. You love poetic beauty and expression, which sometimes leads you into the depths of romantic fantasy. Although your optimistic and romantic nature leaves you vulnerable at times, your emotional purity is by far one of your most redeeming qualities. In love, find a partner that shares in your romanticism and optimistic outlook, as this will bring you the most satisfaction and happiness.

Your gifts for compassion and communication will create a variety of career opportunities for you to explore, although choosing one may be easier said than done. Your emotional understanding may draw you into people-based careers, such as education, counseling or social work. Similarly, your gifts for expression may lead you to a career in writing, journalism or poetry. If you find an issue worth supporting, you may do well in politics or social reform, which was the case for George Washington, who was also born on February 22nd. If you are musically inclined, your vision may translate well into musical composition, much like Frederic Chopin, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking to seaside resorts. This symbol relates to the social "traffic" in your life. Although constant social interchange can be a hectic experience, its value can not be understated. In your own life, embrace your social opportunities.

Here are a few Pisces celebrities born on February 22 and their past or present romantic connections:

Drew Barrymore (Pisces) and Justin Long (Gemini)
George Washington (Pisces) and Martha Washington (Gemini)

February 22 is associated with Birthday Number 6
February 22 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Cups