February 25 Horoscope

As a Pisces born on February 25th, your personality is defined by imagination, selflessness and intuition. You have an active and creative mind, which you use to see possibilities all around you. When paired with your positivity, your imagination allows you to see the best in people and situations. While your friends and family admire your optimistic imagination, it is your selflessness that they appreciate the most. While many people make the claim, you are a genuine example of a person that puts the interests of others above their own. Highly intuitive, it seems that you can sense when someone you love is upset or troubled.

Water is your sign's paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Your special connection with water allows your personality to take on the fluid and adaptable qualities of a flowing stream. Similar to all water signs, your relationship with the element puts you at ease in the deep seas of emotion. When you or those around you experience strong wave emotions, you gain understanding and compassion. As you embrace water's positive qualities your compassion will continue to develop. If there was one negative aspect of your relationship with water, it would be occasional bouts of moodiness.

The Pisces is under the planetary rule of Neptune and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive two helpings of Neptune's planetary power. Neptune, being the planet of refinement, is responsible for your sensitive, compassionate and visionary qualities. More so than any of the Pisces Decans, you are a natural romantic. You often get lost in romantic fantasy, as you are excited by beauty, love and poetic expression. You are a truly supportive friend, but may have the tendency to take on the problems of others. While this is one of your most admirable qualities, you must remember to take to time to address your own emotional well-being as well. In love, find a partner that shares in your positivity, honesty and romantic nature, to avoid being taken advantage of.

Your natural abilities will create a variety of career options for you to explore, although narrowing your choices down to one may be a challenge. Your strong imagination and gifts for communication may take you down the path of expression, possibly as a writer, journalist or poet. On the other hand, your honest nature may be a great addition to the world of business, public relations or commerce. If you are musically inclined, your emotional understanding may turn you into a successful lyricist, which was the case for George Harrison, who was also born on February 25th. In whichever career you choose, take on the warm and humorous attitude of Carrot Top, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a large cross, illuminated by light, lying on rocks surrounded by sea and mist. This symbol is a reminder to be self-assertive. When you follow your own truths and values, you will receive both inner strength and spiritual blessings.

Here are a few Pisces celebrities born on February 25 and their past or present romantic connections:

Tea Leoni (Pisces) and David Duchovny (Leo)
Rashida Jones (Pisces) and Josh Hartnett (Cancer)

February 25 is associated with Birthday Number 9
February 25 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Cups