April 19 Horoscope

As an Aries born on April 19th, your personality is defined by an appreciation for life, optimism and generosity. You are a people person and adventurer at heart, which are two qualities that may define you the most. You will never shy away from new experiences or people. While this is admirable in itself, it may be more impressive that you can always find the best in any situation. You apply the same optimistic world view to all aspects of life, which helps fuel your generosity. You are always willing to devote time, effort and energy for the well-being of a loved one.

The Aries is paired with the fire element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fundamental connection with the element. Your special relationship with fire gives your personality the spark of a leader and self-starter. Similarly, it is fire's influence that can be credited with your burning inner passion. Embracing fire's qualities will allow your inner flame to burn with greater fortitude and focus. You should be weary of fire's negative influence however, as impatience and impulsiveness is one of the greatest challenges of fire signs.

Mars is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of Jupiter. Mars, being the planet of assertiveness, is linked to your aggressive and vigorous personality, but it is the power of Jupiter that links to your generous, optimistic and truth-seeking qualities. Your unique combination of planetary power makes you the most knowledge-driven of all the Aries Decans. It is quite possible that you find yourself on a life long journey to obtain knowledge and understanding of the world around you. This quality will take you into the depths of spiritual thinking and allow your mind to take on its natural "dreamer" role. While your optimism and imagination are a great asset, try to focus on more realistic pursuits to keep yourself grounded. In love, find a partner that shares in your fun-loving nature, but does not take advantage of your generosity, as this will bring you the most happiness.

While there are great difficulties that accompany finding your perfect career, your natural gifts are a well-suited for a variety of careers. Your social skills and determination could lead you to a career as a negotiator, mediator, or agent. In a similar sense, your vision could make you a successful entrepreneur. Your charm makes you a natural performer, which could lead you to the exciting world of television or film, much like Ashley Judd and Kate Hudson, who both share your April 19th birthday.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is the music of the spheres. This symbol suggests that you have a strong inner voice, which should not be ignored. Listen to your spirit and intuition, as it is a product of your connection with the cosmic order.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on April 19 and their past or present romantic connections:

Ashley Judd (Aries) and Michael Bolton (Pisces)
Kate Hudson (Aries) and Lance Armstrong (Virgo)

April 19 is associated with Birthday Number 5
April 19 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Wands