1944 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between January 25, 1944 and February 12, 1945 are members of the Wood Monkey Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before January 25th, please consult the 1943 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Water Sheep.

The influence of the Wood Element makes the Wood Monkey the most clever and creative of the Monkey types. With an interest in harmony, the Wood Monkey will use intuition and social intelligence to cooperate with others. It is with these social skills that the Wood Monkey is often perceived as charming and diplomatic. The Wood Monkey has a keen eye for trends and is often on the front end of new fads. When paired with their ambition, the Wood Monkey can be a true pioneer and visionary.

The social gifts of the Wood Monkey create opportunities in numerous career fields. Using gifts of understanding, the Wood Monkey could make a successful doctor, lawyer or writer. Similarly, when paired with an interest in business, the Wood Monkey could do well in sales, public relations or communications. Those born under the Wood Monkey sign have been known to gain great success in soulful singing. This can be seen in the careers of Gladys Knight and Patti Labelle, who were both born in 1944.

While the Wood Monkey has many strengths, the sign also has some challenges that it must overcome. The Wood Monkey's craving for new experiences can lead to indecisiveness and a tendency to jump from project to project. Although emotionally perceptive, the Wood Monkey also runs the risk of being overly sensitive at times. To combat these shortcomings, the Wood Monkey should widen its focus to include the bigger picture. When they are not dragged down by unimportant details, the Wood Monkey can realize its true potential.

The organ of the Wood Monkey is the liver. In order to protect this vital organ, the Wood Monkey is encouraged to reduce its intake of unhealthy, fatty foods and alcohol.