1981 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between February 5, 1981 and January 24, 1982 are members of the Metal Rooster Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 5th, please consult the 1980 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Metal Monkey.

With two helpings of the Metal Element, the Metal Rooster is one of the most structured and organized members of the Rooster sign. The Metal Rooster is known for a strong, analytical mind. In this sense, the world becomes a puzzle that the Metal Rooster can organize and deduce conclusions from. The Metal Rooster is one of the most natural managers in the Chinese Zodiac and are able to lead others with their strong work ethic. In communication, the Metal Rooster is intelligent and confident, which explains why one would be hard-pressed to out debate a members of the Metal Rooster sign.

The focused and passionate Metal Rooster has a variety of potential career paths to follow. The fiscal sense of the Metal Rooster could be well-served in fields such as banking, finance or business. On the other hand, the demanding presence of the Metal Rooster could lead to a career in public speaking or writing. Those born under the Metal Rooster sign have been known to find great success as singers and lyricists. This can be seen in the careers of Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Hudson, who were both born in 1981.

Although given many positive qualities, the personality of the Metal Rooster does not come without its fair share of challenges. At times, the Metal Rooster has trouble keeping an open mind towards the opinions of others. Similarly, they may struggle to compromise or show understanding towards conflicting beliefs. Additionally, the introspective Metal Rooster can often become to focused on their thoughts, avoiding actual application of their ideals. To overcome their difficulties, the Metal Rooster is encouraged to be less close-minded and more action-oriented.

The organs of the Metal Rooster are the respiratory system and the lungs. It is important for the Metal Rooster to maintain the strength of these important organs with a healthy lifestyle and good dose of physical activity.