1993 Chinese Zodiac

Those born between January 23, 1993 and February 9, 1994 are members of the Water Rooster Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before January 23rd, please consult the 1992 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Water Monkey.

Under the influence of the Water Element, the Water Rooster is one of the most intellectually focused and calm members of the Rooster sign. The Water Rooster is known for being quite reflective and as a result, always thinks their conclusions and decisions through. With a quick mind, the Water Rooster can solve problems with logic and focus. The Water Rooster is one of the more curious members of the Rooster type, which explains for their endless pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Socially, the Water Rooster uses its gifts for communication to be persuasive and engaging with others.

Intelligent, curious and witty, the Water Rooster can find success on numerous career paths. As a great speaker, the Water Rooster may do well as a negotiator, counselor or manager. On the other hand, the intellectual curiosity of the Water Rooster may lead to fulfillment as a researcher, scientist, or accountant. Those born under the Water Rooster sign have been known to find great success in artistic expression, especially acting. This can be seen in the careers of Ariana Grande and Keke Palmer, who were both born in 1993.

While the gifts of the Water Rooster are numerous, the sign does not come without some challenges. At times the concentration and attention to detail of the Water Rooster can border on the level of obsessive. In this sense, the Water Rooster must remember the importance of the big picture and not fret the little things. With their eyes on broader, overarching goals, the Water Rooster can achieve great things.

The organs of the Water Rooster are the kidneys. As the strength of these vital organs play a key role in overall health, members of the Water Rooster sign are encouraged to maintain a diet low in unhealthy, harmful foods.