April 29 Horoscope

As a Taurus born on April 29th, you are well known for your loving and determined nature. Above all, you value your relationships and friendships, which you dedicate yourself to fully. You display a warmth that has earned you many friends, but it may be your determination that has earned you the most admirers. You can recall many times in your life where your willpower allowed you to overcome great obstacles. You may be surprised to know that many find your determination truly inspiring!

The paired element of the Taurus is Earth and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, only the Taurus has a fixed connection with Earth. In life you strive to be as stable and powerful as the very ground you stand on. This quality is a result of your special relationship with Earth. Moreover, it is the power of Earth that contributes to your practical sensibilities. While others have their heads in the clouds, the influence of Earth will allow you to reap the benefits of pursuing realistic goals.

The Taurus is subject to the planetary rule of Venus and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Venus lends you a double helping of its power. Being the planet of harmony, Venus's influence can be witnessed in your social qualities, values and appreciation of beauty. More so than any of the other Taurus Decans, your unique planetary influence makes you materialistic. While this should not be confused with shallow, you simply have a desire to surround yourself with the finer things in life. In this sense, your need for comfort and beauty may drive your professional aspirations. In love, you are faithful and loyal. At times, you may be a bit too "touchy feely," but this is only a reflection of your appreciation of intimacy. Surround yourself with individuals that share in your appreciation of beauty and loyalty, as this will bring you the most happiness.

There is difficulty in finding the perfect career, but luckily your dedication to success gives you many opportunities to explore. Your practicality could take you into careers such as law, medicine, or business. On the other hand, your social interests could lead you into sales, promotion or a career as an agent. You may find your passion to be entertaining others, which was the case for Jerry Seinfeld, who was also born on April 29th. If you are musically inclined, you could have the talent to make truly beautiful music, much like Duke Ellington, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a christmas tree decorated. Even in the darkness of times, the use of tradition can create relief and inner happiness. Just as the holidays approach every year in a cycle, this symbol reminds you to have faith in cyclical renewal.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on April 29 and their past or present romantic connections:

Uma Thurman (Taurus) and Ethan Hawke (Scorpio)
Andre Agassi (Taurus) and Brooke Shields (Gemini)

April 29 is associated with Birthday Number 6
April 29 is associated with Tarot Card 5 of Pentacles