August 17 Horoscope

As a Leo born on August 17th, you are well known for being ambitious, straightforward and active. While you notice others are content in their current position, you are always looking to the next level of success. You are goal-oriented and will put in whatever work that is necessary to reach the top. Your friends admire these qualities, but are sometimes frustrated by your blunt nature. Although you never intend to offend others with your honesty, you have no desire to mask the truth in any aspect of life.

The Leo's element is fire and in fact, you have the most fundamental connection with the element of all the zodiac signs. Fire's influence becomes obvious when you are met with a challenge. Passion and enthusiasm burn deep within, pushing you to conquer any obstacle. Make sure your flame is never extinguished and you will continue on a path toward success. However, be aware of the impulsiveness and impatience that sometimes arises when fire is overly embraced.

The Sun is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of your sign, you are also a recipient of Mars' planetary powers. The influence of the Sun can be witnessed in your individualism, ego and creativity, while the Mars' power can be reflected in the assertive and vigorous way that you tackle life. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you the most ambitious of all the Leo Decans. You strive for success and will reach it with creativity and a positive outlook. Staying true to your positive ambition will launch you towards success in life. Work to avoid the darkness of your planetary influence, which includes the aggression and restlessness that accompanies blind ambition.

Your drive to success means that you can be well-suited for a variety of careers, although it may be difficult to choose one. The world of business or sales could be compatible with your determination. You may also find a career in education or the non-profit sector rewarding if you find a worthwhile cause. The world of entertainment may be appealing, as you envision reaching prestigious levels of success. If so, look to Academy Award winning work of Robert DeNiro and Sean Penn, who were also born on August 17th, for inspiration.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a rainbow appearing after a heavy storm. Even in the darkness situations, it is important to count your blessings. Upon doing so, you can understand the true worth of your situation. You may be surprised to discover how fortunate you really are.

Here are a few Leo celebrities born on August 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Sean Penn (Leo) and Madonna (Leo)
Giuliana Rancic (Leo) and Bill Rancic (Taurus)

August 17 is associated with Birthday Number 7
August 17 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Wands