August 25 Horoscope

As a Virgo born on August 25th, you are known for your quick whit, discipline and generosity. When you find a challenge or task that you consider to be worthwhile, you will dedicate yourself to it fully. In these situations, your attention to detail and focused mind flourish. You apply the same amount of dedication to people who are important to you. Your generosity is appreciated by those closest to you, as you sometimes find yourself addressing the needs of others before your own.

Earth is your paired element and as a Virgo, you are the only zodiac sign with a fixed connection to the element. When your practical and grounded, and sometimes stubborn, nature is considered, it is easy to see the earth's influence in your personality. Your connection with earth makes you prudent and focused on stability. While others take many risks, you are much more comfortable taking a reliable and proven path. Your practicality is a strength, but can become a weakness if you give your conservative inclinations too much power.

Mercury is your sign's planetary ruler and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive double influence from Mercury. Mercury's power lies primarily in communication and mental agility, which explains why you are gifted in both realms. Your mental aptitude allows you to see every detail while considering a problem. At times, you may become so detail driven that the big picture seems to go unnoticed. Nevertheless, your quick mind also connects to your generosity, as it gives you the ability to realize when others need help before they know it themselves. Develop close relationships to insure your generosity is used on deserving parties.

Your natural mental abilities matched with your discipline give you the potential to be successful in a variety of careers. Careers in education or law could do well to satisfy your intellectual and humanistic interests, but your skills could also be well-suited for research, science or other thinking-based fields. You may have a more artistic passion, which would open up the world of entertainment, especially acting or directing. The work of acting legend Sean Connery or the creativity of Tim Burton should serve as inspiration, as they were both also born on August 25th.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is two guardian angels. You may soon be experiencing a hardship or obstacle, but realize that you are not alone in your efforts. Once you look within, your consciousness will illuminate your inner strength.

Here are a few Virgo celebrities born on August 25 and their past or present romantic connections:

Rachel Bilson (Virgo) and Adam Brody (Sagittarius)
Blake Lively (Virgo) and Ryan Reynolds (Scorpio)

August 25 is associated with Birthday Number 6
August 25 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Pentacles