August 27 Horoscope

As a Virgo born on August 27th, you are characterized by your intelligence, generosity and discipline. You have outstanding social skills and seem to understand people with ease. You use your understanding to help others, often realizing they need assistance before they do. Your generosity is especially strong towards your loved ones, who it seems you would do anything for. In work, you are very attentive and will devote all your mental energy to tasks you feel are worthwhile.

Your paired element is Earth and as a Virgo, you are the only zodiac sign with a fixed relationship to the element. While Earth's influence can make you slightly stubborn at times, it drives your need for stability. You find comfort in standing on solid ground, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. Your interests and goals are practical and you tackle life in a prudent way. While your cautiousness often supports you, be careful to not allow it to overly dominate your life, as you may miss out on some rewarding opportunities.

The Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive twice the planetary influence from Mercury. As the planet of communication, Mercury's influence is tied heavily to your mental agility and gifts as a communicator. You rarely choose to yours gifts with words for manipulation, instead choosing to be helpful with your words. At times, your practicality causes you to be reserved with your energies and finances, but, for better or worse, these principles are often thrown out of the window when your loved ones are concerned. As you have a strong moral compass, you will find the most fulfillment in life from worthwhile causes and relationships. As long as you maintain these things, your generosity will continue to be one of your greatest assets.

Although finding a career is difficult at times, your natural social skills and discipline will allow you to be successful in a variety of careers. The world of science, engineering or mathematics may do well to satisfy your intellectual interests. Your outstanding attention to detail would also be well-suited for a career in finance or writing. If the entertainment world is your passion, a career in acting or music may be a good fit, which was the career path of Alex Lifeson, who was also born on August 27th. In any field, use your leadership abilities for success, much like the path of Lyndon B. Johnson, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man becoming aware of nature's spirits and unseen spiritual energies. While this symbol could relate to a new found spirituality, in a more general sense it relates to expanded levels of consciousness and awareness within. Embrace the connected nature of the world, as a great deal of inner peace can accompany this realization.

Here are a few Virgo celebrities born on August 27 and their past or present romantic connections:

Lyndon B. Johnson (Virgo) and Lady Bird Johnson (Capricorn)
Tuesday Weld (Virgo) and Pinchas Zukerman (Cancer)

August 27 is associated with Birthday Number 8
August 27 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Pentacles