August 30 Horoscope

Being a Virgo born on August 30th, you are characterized by a quick mind, trustworthiness and generosity. You are quite intelligent and find yourself capable of solving problems with great focus and determination. When dealing with others, you find no value in manipulation or lying, choosing honesty over all else. You may have the most value in life for your loved ones, who you would be happy to do just about anything for.

Your paired element is earth and as a Virgo, you have a fixed relationship with the element. Earth's influence becomes obvious when your grounded nature is exposed. You rarely take chances, choosing instead to pursue stability and the reliable path. You take great pride in keeping your feet on the ground, as opposed to chasing the hot air of unobtainable dreams. Although earth's influence has become a great strength, take care to avoid letting your cautious nature keep you from new, rewarding experiences.

Mercury is the Virgo's planetary ruler and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Mercury's influence is twice as strong in you. Being the planet of communication and mental agility, it is no wonder you are such an effective communicator. In most cases, you attempt to use your awareness for good, as you attempt to help those around you. When paired with your trustworthiness, Mercury's influence makes you a hard-working and valuable employee. Though it is easy to focus solely on material pursuits, be sure to make time for building strong relationships, as they will be the source of your strongest feelings of fulfillment.

The task of selecting a career path is easier said than done, but your natural sociability, discipline and intelligence will serve you well in a variety of careers. Your intellectual interests may lead you to a career in sciences, research or health. Likewise, your compassion may lead you to a career in education, social work or counseling. You may have the ability to be very successful in finance, which was the case with Warren Buffett, who was also born on August 30th. If you are more drawn to the world of entertainment, look to the work of Cameron Diaz, another of your birthday twins, for inspiration.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a child taking her first dancing lesson. Within society there are many avenues to express yourself. While you may have not always considered yourself artistically inclined, take the opportunity to develop yourself by conventional means of expression. In doing so, you can watch your self-discipline grow.

Here are a few Virgo celebrities born on August 30 and their past or present romantic connections:

Cameron Diaz (Virgo) and Justin Timberlake (Aquarius)
Peggy Lipton (Virgo) and Quincy Jones (Pisces)

August 30 is associated with Birthday Number 11
August 30 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Pentacles