December 22 Horoscope

Being a Capricorn born on December 22nd, you are perhaps best known for your patience, determination and hard working nature. You are invested in the here and now, which explains why you much rather be actively working towards a goal than thinking about one. There are few things that you cannot accomplish once you have put your mind to doing so. This quality is greatly admired by your friends, peers, coworkers and family.

Earth is the Capricorn's paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a cardinal relationship to the element. Earth's influence is the driving force behind your "grounded" nature. You are realistic and practical in your goals and expectations, which at times may even take you into the realms of cautiousness. As long as you take measures to avoid the over-conservativeness that sometimes accompanies the Earth element, you will be well on your way to future success. Remember to take advantage of your unique relationship with the element, which allows you to be an initiator and self-starter.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Saturn and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive two helpings of Saturn's mysterious planetary power. Saturn is the planet of control and subsequently, it connects to your discipline, order, patience and perseverance. More so than any of the other Capricorn Decans, your planetary influences gives you the determination to achieve great things. You meet challenges with a great deal of responsibility and control, but perhaps your most valuable trait is your patience, which allows you to keep a cool head in most situations. In life and love, you value emotional and material security. As long as you are working towards obtaining these things, you will always find satisfaction from your efforts.

While choosing a career path is always difficult, your natural determination and patience will give you the opportunity for success in any field that you choose. Your practicality could translate well to the world of finance, especially as an economist, analyst or stockbroker. Likewise, your determination and willpower would do well in the fields of business or administration. Additionally, your intellectual pursuits could do well in a career in science or research. If the entertainment world is more appealing, you may be attracted to music, which was the case for Jordin Sparks, who was also born on December 22nd. In whichever career you choose, display the warmth and dedication of Diane Sawyer, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a Native American chief claiming power from the assembled tribe. You may soon receive a new role of leadership or additional power. While leadership roles come with glory, it is important to remember the responsibility that comes with authority.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on December 22 and their past or present romantic connections:

Jordin Sparks (Capricorn) and Lil' Romeo (Leo)
Vanessa Paradis (Capricorn) and Johnny Depp (Gemini)

December 22 is associated with Birthday Number 7
December 22 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Pentacles