December 30 Horoscope

Being a Capricorn born on December 30th, you are characterized by a hardworking, determined and patient personality. Its hard for you to relate to those with leisurely personalities, as you are always working to accomplish a new goal. When you find a task to be worthwhile, you will always put in the effort to complete it, regardless of how difficult or challenging it may be. While your friends and loved ones admire this quality greatly, they may be most impressed with your amazing patience. Even in the most frustrating and hectic situations, you always manage to keep a calm and composed demeanor.

Your sign's elemental pair is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection to the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you an active self-starter in all aspects of life. Earth's influence becomes even more obvious when your grounded nature is considered. You take little refuge in leaving your head in the clouds, as you much rather pursue goals that are realistic and practical. Your earthly prudence may become one of your greatest assets. Be weary of being overly cautious however, as this tendency may lead to missed opportunities and experiences.

Saturn is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn's mysterious power has a doubly strong effect on your personalty. Saturn's powers relate to control, which explains for the discipline, determination and responsibility that is so prominent in your personality. Much more than the other Capricorn Decans, you are destined for success. In life and love, you display devotion and loyalty that is rarely matched. Above all else, you have grown to strive for material gain and respect, which explains why you are focused on security for yourself and those around you. While you may be quick to spoil your loved ones, you may find it more difficult to express your love and affections directly. To avoid depressed moods, find balance between your material ambitions and your emotional needs.

Although choosing a career is one of life's most notable challenges, your natural abilities will grant you the opportunity for success in numerous career paths. Your determined and hardworking qualities would do well in fields like business, advertising or management. On the other hand, your patience would be well-served in education or counseling. Likewise, your intellectual pursuits may take your to into the world of academia or research. In whichever career you choose, know that your determination gives you the chance to be the best in your field, much like Lebron James and Tiger Woods, who both share your December 30th birthday.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an angel carrying a harp. You are in tune with spirituality. With this relationship, it is possible to find the deeper meaning in any situation. In your own life, take time to understand the spiritual core of all life's happenings.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on December 30 and their past or present romantic connections:

Tiger Woods (Capricorn) and Elin Nordegren (Capricorn)
Laila Ali (Capricorn) and Curtis Conway (Capricorn)

December 30 is associated with Birthday Number 6
December 30 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Pentacles