February 18 Horoscope

Being an Aquarius born on February 18th, you are well known for your impulsive, yet charming nature. You tend to get bored easily and as a result, you have taken on a variety of interests and hobbies. In all aspects of life, you are spontaneous and passionate. While these qualities are intriguing to others, it is your charm that makes you hard to resist. With innate warmth, sociability and mystery, you have earned a long list of admirers!

Air is the elemental pair of your sign and in fact, you have the only fixed connection with air of all the zodiac signs. Your special relationship with air allows your personality to resemble a strong wind, stubborn and determined. As is the case with other air zodiac signs, the influence of air inspires curiosity to stir within you. It seems that you are always pushed towards acquiring knowledge and understanding whenever something peaks your interest. Embracing the active qualities of air will play a key role in your future successes, but you must be careful to avoid air's less active qualities. Much like a stale, windless day, air's stagnant qualities can cause unemotional moods and aloofness.

The Aquarius is under the planetary rulership of Uranus, but as you were born in the third decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a helping of Venus's mysterious power. Uranus, being the planet of deviation, is linked to your original and free spirit, but it is Venus that can be credited with your social and cooperative nature. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more sensitive than the other Aquarius Decans. Your strong emotions allow you to love those closest to you with unconditional affection. In love, your passion is just as strong, but restlessness makes it difficult for you to avoid boredom. While overcoming your restlessness will always be a challenge, your impulsiveness will afford you many worthwhile experiences.

While finding the perfect career is difficult, you are lucky enough to have natural abilities that are well-suited for numerous career paths. Your people skills and determination may be a perfect fit for business, advertising or public relations. Similarly, your warmth and compassion may do well in the fields of education, teaching or advising. Your need for freedom may take you on the entrepreneurial route, which has recently been the case for Dr. Dre, who was also born on February 18th. If the entertainment world catches your interest, you may do well in media, film or television, which was the path of John Travolta, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is moon lit fields, once babylon, blooming white. With an open mind, and deep will for transformation, you can reach higher forms of spiritual existence. This symbol reminds us that only through totality of being, can a person really grow.

Here are a few Aquarius celebrities born on February 18 and their past or present romantic connections:

Yoko Ono (Aquarius) and John Lennon (Libra)
John Travolta (Aquarius) and Kelly Preston (Libra)

February 18 is associated with Birthday Number 11
February 18 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Swords