May 14 Horoscope

As a Taurus born on May 14th, your patience and loyalty are perhaps your most well known qualities. In all your dealings, you display a patience and understanding demeanor. In this sense, your immunity to frustration makes you a natural teacher. While your friends and family all appreciate your patience, it is your loyalty that truly appreciate. You value your family and home life above all else and will do whatever is necessary to protect these things. When your undying devotion to those you hold dear is considered, it is no wonder why you are so widely loved.

The paired element of the Taurus is Earth and in fact, you have the only fixed relationship with Earth of all the zodiac signs. Your special connection to earth makes your personality as stable and powerful as the firm ground that you walk on. In the same light, it is the influence of Earth that is reflected in your practical and realistic nature. Instead of having your head in the clouds, the influence of Earth keeps you moving towards grounded goals. These earthly qualities will play a key role in your future success, but your elemental power can become detrimental if you adopt an overly conservative attitude.

Venus is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a dose of Saturn's planetary power. Being the planet of harmony, Venus's influence is reflected in your social and cooperative qualities. In the same sense, it is the power of Saturn that links to your innate responsibility, patience and perseverance. More so than any of the other Taurus Decans, your combination of planetary power makes you disciplined. As you strive for security and not accolades, you have no problem working hard behind the scenes to meet your goals. In all that you do, order and organization are key. These qualities make you seem quite serious at times, but in your most intimate relationships, you are kind hearted and display a playful sense of humor.

Patient and determined, your natural abilities will give you several career opportunities to explore. Your compassion and patience would be well served in education, counseling or mediation. On the other hand, your business sense and independence could make you a successful entrepreneur, which was the path of Mark Zuckerberg who was also born on May 14th. If you take time to cultivate your artistic vision, you could be successful in media or film, not unlike George Lucas, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt. This symbol connects to the more aggressive aspects of society.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on May 14 and their past or present romantic connections:

Bobby Darin (Taurus) and Connie Francis (Sagittarius)
Martine McCutcheon (Taurus) and Hugh Grant (Virgo)

May 14 is associated with Birthday Number 1
May 14 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Pentacles