May 17 Horoscope

Being a Taurus born on May 17th, your personality is defined by loyalty and discipline. Above all, you value your family and home life, which explains for your undying loyalty and devotion. In all matters, you keep your loved ones best interests at heart. While your family and friends appreciate your loyalty, it may be your discipline that demands the most admiration. In your work you are organized, hard working and committed to success.

Your sign's paired element is Earth and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, only the Taurus has a fixed connection with Earth. Thanks to your elemental influence, your personality is as stable and firm as the very ground you walk on. In this sense, Earth can make you stubborn, but it also makes you practical. In all of your efforts and goals, Earth keeps you grounded and realistic. Embracing earthly prudence will play a key role in your future successes. However, you must avoid the overly cautious attitude that can plague Earth zodiac signs.

Venus is the planetary ruler of the Taurus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn lends you a dose of its power as well. Being the planet of harmony, the influence of Venus can be witnessed in your social, cooperative and beauty-loving qualities. Similarly, it is the influence of Saturn, the planet of control, that links to your discipline, perseverance and wisdom. More so than any of the Taurus Decans, your unique blend of planetary power makes you patient. In situations that seem obviously frustrating, you rarely fail to display patience and understanding. While your hard work could earn you much praise, you prefer to stay out of the spotlight. Your main focuses in life are material security and family, so you find little value in accolades.

Finding the perfect career is one of life's most daunting challenges, but fortunately, you have the discipline to be successful in a wide range of careers. Your prudence and practicality could make you successful in the world of business, commerce, marketing or banking. On the other hand, your patience and compassion could lead you into teaching, mentoring or advising. You may find your true passion lies in making others laugh, which was the case for Craig Ferguson, who was also born on May 17th. In whichever career you choose, adopt the dedication and commitment to greatness of boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an indian woman selling beads. This symbol is a representation of the necessity of adjustment and adaptation.

Here are a few Taurus celebrities born on May 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Tony Parker (Taurus) and Eva Longoria (Pisces)
Dennis Hopper (Taurus) and Michelle Phillips (Gemini)

May 17 is associated with Birthday Number 4
May 17 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Pentacles