October 16 Horoscope

As a Libra born on October 16th, your personality is dominated by your social and analytical nature. Although you are quite comfortable on your own, you would much rather prefer the company of others. In social settings your mind seems to come alive, as you provide thoughtful and clever thoughts to the group. Your friends and family are often impressed with the way you can engage them so effortlessly, but it may be your loyalty that they appreciate the most.

Your signs paired element is air and being a Libra, you are the only zodiac sign with a fundamental connection with the element. As if stimulated by a gentle breeze, curiosity often seems to swell inside you. You ride the winds of curiosity with great purpose as you pursue new intellectual and social interests. These active qualities of air will continue to make you an effective self-starter, but take to avoid the qualities of stagnant air, which include aloofness and an absence of emotion.

The Libra's ruling planet is Venus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, Mercury also lends you its mysterious powers. While Venus can be credited with your appreciation for beauty, need for harmony and social nature, it is Mercury's influence that is mirrored in your quick mind and masterful communication skills. These two planets combine to make you far more analytically driven than other Libra Decans. Your life's challenge may very well be attempting to understand the meaning behind life, as it is one of your greatest interests. Luckily, you will not completely lose yourself to this pursuit, as you will always put effort into maintaining loving relationships. Find a partner that values loyalty and reliability, as these things bring you the most fulfillment from a partner.

While choosing a career is never easy, you are lucky enough to have several natural abilities that will translate into successful careers. Your sharp mind and curiosity would be well-suited for a career in research, science, law or education. Similarly, you may find it more rewarding to help others in careers such as counseling or as an advisor. If creative expression is more appealing, you may find success as a writer, much like Eugene O'Neill, who was also born on October 16th. Similarly, if you have musical inclinations, allow the unique bass playing of Flea, another of your celebrity birthday twins, serve as inspiration.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a third wing on the left side of a butterfly. It is always appealing to follow others, but you should embrace your ability to expand yourself in non-traditional ways. Take advantage of this ability and embrace new opportunities on the horizon. In the same light, it may be time to try a new way of doing familiar things.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on October 16 and their past or present romantic connections:

Tim Robbins (Libra) and Susan Sarandon (Libra)
John Mayer (Libra) and Jennifer Aniston (Aquarius)

October 16 is associated with Birthday Number 8
October 16 is associated with Tarot Card 4 of Swords