October 30 Horoscope

As a Scorpio born on October 30th, you present an outwardly cool demeanor and great inner passion. Although you appear calm and calculated to others, you actually possess a deep inner passion and fire. You strive for success in all that you do, which explains why second place often leaves you dissatisfied. You will work tirelessly to meet your goals and desired level of success. Your friends and family admire you for these qualities.

Water is your sign's paired element and of all 12 zodiac signs, you are the only to have a fixed connection to water. You are no stranger to the deep, choppy waters of emotions. You experience emotions strongly and gain great understanding and compassion from these experiences. Although you may be as stubborn as the unsettled sea, the influence of water also gives you great determination. Embrace the positive influence of water, as it will lead you to tremendous personal growth. Be careful to avoid the emotional instability and moodiness that is amongst water's negative influences.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Pluto and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you are lucky enough to receive a double helping of Pluto's planetary power. The planet of transformation, Pluto's influence is reflected in your pursuit of power and growth. While you want the best from all aspects of life, this is especially true in the realms of emotions and finances. Your ambition will allow you to reach your goals, but your personal relationships will suffer if you become too obsessive in your pursuits. Take care to avoid your inclination to manipulate and instead use your compassion in your everyday dealings.

While choosing a career is always difficult, your abilities will translate into numerous fields. You may use your communication skills in a careers like media, writing or public relations. You may look to the field of politics, which was the case for John Adams, who was also born on October 30th. If the world of entertainment is alluring, you may find satisfaction in a career in television, much like Henry Winkler, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a calm lake bathed in moonlight. The subtle energy of the moon connects to your spirituality and inspiration. By illuminating your consciousness, you can obtain inner wisdom and quiet strength. In another sense, this symbol relates to the need to open your heart and mind in order to accept understanding.

Here are a few Scorpio celebrities born on October 30 and their past or present romantic connections:

Gavin Rossdale (Scorpio) and Gwen Stefani (Libra)
Harry Hamlin (Scorpio) and Lisa Rinna (Cancer)

October 30 is associated with Birthday Number 4
October 30 is associated with Tarot Card 5 of Cups