September 28 Horoscope

Being a Libra born on September 28th, you are an imaginative, romantic and diplomatic individual. At times, your creativity knows no bounds and you have the ability to apply your imagination to all aspects of your life. A romantic at heart, you love the harmony of close relationships. Socially, you strive to maintain this same harmony, often applying diplomatic solutions to group problems. These warm qualities make you a valued friend and partner.

The Libra's paired sign is air and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a cardinal connection to the element. It is the light and playful qualities of wind that makes you so active and curious. When something strikes your interest, you are sometimes amazed at how driven you are to learn about it. The active qualities of air should become amongst your greatest allies, but be weary of the qualities of stagnant air, which can sometimes create unemotional and aloof moods.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Venus, but you actually receive two helpings of Venus's planetary influence because you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign. Venus's influence is directly linked to your strong sensitivity, appreciation of beauty and need for harmony. You are quite comfortable in the realm of aesthetics and never fail to create stylistic environments and dress. Similarly, your unique planetary influence makes you far more romantic than the other Libra Decans. Your romantic partners are always surprised with the new and inventive ways that you stimulate the relationship. Strive to find a partner that shares in your appreciation for balanced and peaceful relationships.

While choosing a specific career path is no small order, you should find comfort in the fact that your natural abilities are compatible with several careers. While both creative and sociable, you could do well in a career in advertising, media or publishing. You may find it more rewarding to directly help others, which could lead you to a career in activism, which was the case for Brigitte Bardot, who was also born on September 28th. If the world of entertainment is alluring, musical/lyrical expression may be rewarding, much like Hilary Duff, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man watching his ideals take concrete form before his inner vision. While it is true that not all dreams can become reality, there have been many that have changed the world. Before any idea, ideal or dream can become real, one has to visualize its potential success. Once you have a clear vision, it is possible to achieve tangible success.

Here are a few Libra celebrities born on September 28 and their past or present romantic connections:

Hilary Duff (Libra) and Mike Comrie (Virgo)
Mira Sorvino (Libra) and Quentin Tarantino (Aries)

September 28 is associated with Birthday Number 1
September 28 is associated with Tarot Card 2 of Wands