December 20 Horoscope

Being a Sagittarius born on December 20th, your charisma and showmanship help define you to others. In all of your social dealings, you are kind, warm and witty. Your friends and family appreciate these qualities, but they may not realize how much you truly enjoy to perform. The world is your stage and you take every opportunity to excite and enthrall your audience. If there was one thing you enjoy more than attention, you have yet to find it!

The Sagittarius is paired with the fire element and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable connection to the element. Like all fire zodiac signs, the influence of fire makes passion and enthusiasm burn deep within your being. However, your sign's unique connection to the element makes you changeable like a wild flame and contributes to the warmth of your communication. Fire's positive qualities can always be considered amongst your most valuable assets, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that plagues all fire signs.

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also welcome in the planetary influence of the Sun. Jupiter, being the planet of expansion, connects to your need for adventure, truth and generosity, but it is the Sun that is reflected in your highly individualistic and creative nature. This unique combination of planetary influences makes you amongst the most risk taking of all the Sagittarius Decans. You straddle the line of success and failure with confidence, especially when your efforts can pay off big. Although this quality may result in some lows, you must take refuge in the fact that you are willing to take the risks to achieve true greatness. In love, find a partner that appreciates your vision and sense of adventure.

Your natural abilities will give you the chance for success in a variety of careers, although choosing one and sticking to it may be a challenge. Your determination and ambition would be well-suited for a career in business, advertising or sales. Similarly, you may choose you to be your own boss and take the entrepreneurial route, which was the case for Harvey Firestone, who was also born on December 20th. If the world of entertainment is alluring, you may find your gifts as a performer to be of value, such was the case for Jonah Hill, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a fat boy mowing the lawn of his suburban house. This symbol suggest the importance of social respectability. Do not overlook the importance of everyday tasks, as some play a key role in social worth.

Here are a few Sagittarius celebrities born on December 20 and their past or present romantic connections:

David Cook (Sagittarius) and Kimberly Caldwell (Pisces)
Todd Phillips (Sagittarius) and Paris Hilton (Aquarius)

December 20 is associated with Birthday Number 5
December 20 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Wands