February 12 Horoscope

Being an Aquarius born on February 12th, your charm, impulsiveness and romantic nature define your personality. You have always noticed that people seem to gravitate to your unique charm and warmth, which explains for your wide range of friends and admirers. In all aspects of your life, you display passion, albeit of the impulsive variety. As a result, you have a long list of interests and hobbies. You take the same spontaneous nature to your romantic relationships, as you can quickly fall in and out of love.

Your sign's paired element is air and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection to the element. Air's influence becomes obvious, when your determined personality is considered. In many ways, air makes you as stubborn as a fierce wind. As is the case with all air signs, you have a gentle breeze of curiosity that stirs within your being. When your interest is peaked, air pushes you towards gaining understanding. If air's influence had one negative, it would be the inactive qualities of air, which materialize in aloof and unemotional moods.

The Aquarius is under the planetary ruler of Uranus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part of the sign, you also are subject to a generous helping of Venus's mysterious power. Uranus is the planet of deviation and subsequently, links to your free spirited and original nature. On the other hand, Venus, the planet of harmony, lends you sociability and warmth. More so than any of the Aquarius Decans, you are sensitive and emotionally focused. This quality makes you a natural romantic, but it also allows you to love your close friends and family unconditionally. Your restlessness will always be one of your greatest challenges, so attempt to curb your "think first, act later" nature.

Your individuality and sensitivity will create several career opportunities for you to explore, although settling on one may be a stout challenge. As you need a constant change of scenery, you may find satisfaction in international business, sales or promotion. compassion and determination may lead you to a career in politics, which was the case for Abraham Lincoln, who was also born on February 12th. If the entertainment world is alluring, your warmth may do well in media or television, which was the case for Jennifer Stone, another of your celebrity twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a man, having overcome his passions, teaching deep wisdom in terms of his experience. While tough past experiences can come with a great deal of emotional pain, they also serve as important life lessons. Take time to share your gained experiences with others, as it may help them avoid your mistakes.

Here are a few Aquarius celebrities born on February 12 and their past or present romantic connections:

Christina Ricci (Aquarius) and Adam Goldberg (Scorpio)
Sarah Lancaster (Aquarius) and Matthew Davis (Taurus)

February 12 is associated with Birthday Number 5
February 12 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Swords