February 21 Horoscope

As a Pisces born on February 21st, you are well known for your intuitive, selfless and imaginative nature. Throughout your life, you have noticed the ability to understand the emotions and thoughts of others. Your innate ability to sense when others are troubled allows you to be compassionate and supportive. When a loved one is in need, there is little that you would not sacrifice for their well-being. While your friends and family greatly appreciate your selflessness, they may admire your imagination the most. You use your creative mind to find the best in situations and people.

Water is the paired element of the Pisces and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Your relationship with water makes you adaptable and a fluid communicator. Moreover, it is your connection with water that puts you at ease in the deep oceans of emotion. In times when you experience power waves of emotion, you ride them with understanding. As you continue to embrace the positive qualities of water, your compassion will grow. However, you must avoid an overindulgence in the emotions, as this may lead to bouts of moodiness.

Neptune is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Neptune lends you two helpings of its planetary power. Neptune's influence can bet witnessed in your vision, sensitivity and compassion. Your unique planetary influences makes you more of a natural romantic than other Pisces Decans. You combine your imagination and emotional understanding to form an appreciation for love and poetic beauty. At times, you are so open and loving that it leaves you vulnerable to be taken advantage of. Luckily, you do not let bad experiences dampen your positive world outlook. In love, find a partner that shares in your positive and trusting mindset, as this will bring you the greatest fulfillment.

While finding the right career is a daunting challenge, take refuge in the fact that your natural abilities are well-suited for a variety of careers. Your gifts for communication and understanding could be a welcome addition to the world of business, public relations or commerce. On the other hand, your compassionate nature may lead you to success in teaching, politics or social reform. You may find that your imagination and natural warmth is a perfect fit for writing, media or journalism, which was the path of Erma Bombeck, who was also born on February 21st. If the world of entertainment is alluring, you may find success in film or television, such was the case for Jennifer Love Hewitt, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a petrified forest. Although many trends come and go in society, there are some aspects of culture that are indestructible. Remember that among the indestructible aspects of your life are your past achievements.

Here are a few Pisces celebrities born on February 21 and their past or present romantic connections:

Jennifer Love Hewitt (Pisces) and John Mayer (Libra)
Ellen Page (Pisces) and Ben Foster (Scorpio)

February 21 is associated with Birthday Number 5
February 21 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Cups