February 8 Horoscope

Being an Aquarius born on February 8th, your personality is characterized by imagination and honesty. You have a very active mind, which allows you to see possibilities that others fail to imagine. In demanding situations, this quality allows you to be an effective problem solver. Socially, your whit and intriguing communication has made you a highly sought after companion. While your friends and family appreciate your imagination, they may admire your honest nature the most. In all your dealings, social and professional, you value truthfulness and straightforwardness above all else.

Air is the paired element of your sign and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with the element. As is the case with all air signs, your elemental influence creates a gentle breeze of curiosity that stirs within your mind. When you find a new interest or topic, air pushes you to explore it and gain understanding. Unlike other air signs, your special connection with the element gives your personality a stubborn and determined quality. Embracing air's active qualities will play a key role in your future successes. You should however, be aware of the negative qualities of stagnant air, which may create moods of aloofness and emotional distance.

Uranus is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the Aquarius sign, you also receive a generous helping of Mercury's planetary power. While Uranus, the planet of deviation, is responsible for your originality and appreciation of freedom, it is Mercury's mysterious power that fuels your gifts for communication and mental agility. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you the most natural communicator of all the Aquarius Decans. It is also gives you the rare ability to give your mind power of your emotions to make logical and thoughtful decisions. In competitive situations, your quick mind puts you two steps ahead of the competition at all times, but it also makes you dissatisfied when your vision does not line up with the slow pace of reality. In love, find a partner that helps your patience grow and shares in your value of honesty.

While it is never easy to choose a career, your natural abilities will create several options for you to explore. Independent and creative, you may want to take the entrepreneurial route and go into business for yourself. If this is not appealing, you may do well in the competitive fields of advertising, media or public relations. Your intellectual interests could take you to more academic pursuits, such as teaching, research or science. On the other hand, the ever-alluring world of entertainment could take you to a career in television or film, which was the path of Seth Green, who was also born on February 8th. If you are musically inclined, your creativity may be well-suited for a career as a composer or lyricist, much like John Williams, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a large white dove bearing a message. This symbol suggests that you may be approaching a time in your life where you are looking for validation. If you have been questioning your actions or decisions, take refuge in the fact that certification can be obtained, either spiritually or by other means.

Here are a few Aquarius celebrities born on February 8 and their past or present romantic connections:

James Dean (Aquarius) and Marilyn Monroe (Gemini)
Abit Titmuss (Aquarius) and Russell Brand (Gemini)

February 8 is associated with Birthday Number 1
February 8 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Swords