February 9 Horoscope

As an Aquarius born on February 9th, your personality is defined by your charming, romantic and impulsive nature. People seem to gravitate to your personality, as you are mysterious and warm. Your many admirers is perfect for your romantic nature, as you greatly enjoy being in love and receiving affection. Your relationships may be short-lived however, as you are quite impulsive. In all aspects of life, you can look to explore new and varying interests at a whims notice.

Air is the paired element of your sign and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with the element. Your special connection with air gives you the stubborn qualities of a fierce wind. As is the case with all the air zodiac signs, air stirs a strong curiosity within you. When your interest is peaked, air pushes you toward knowledge and understanding. Embracing the positive qualities of air will greatly assist you in life, as long as you avoid air's negative qualities. If left unchecked, the stagnant qualities of air can cause bouts of aloofness.

Uranus is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the Aquarius sign, you also receive the mysterious planetary power of Venus. Uranus, being the planet of deviation, inspires a strong need for freedom and originality in your life. On the other hand, it is Venus that links to your sociability, warmth and love of beauty. More so than any of the Aquarius Decans, your combination of planetary power makes you more sensitive and emotionally in tune. You commit to your friends and family with great time and energy. Unfortunately, your commitment to your loving relationships and even your interests may not be as unconditional. You are the most impulsive of all the members of your sign, which is reflected in your action over thinking nature.

Social and original, your natural abilities are well-suited for a variety of career paths, although narrowing your selections down to one is always easier said than done. As you need a constant change of pace and scenery, a career with travel such as sales, international business or consulting may be a great fit for you. Similarly, your caring nature may translate well into people-related careers, such as teaching, advising or counseling. If you are musically inclined, you may use your creativity and sensitivity as a lyricist, much like Travis Tritt, who was also born on February 9th. In the same light, your charms may give you an edge in the world of entertainment of television, which was the case for David Gallagher, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously facing a seemingly empty life. Even in the face of very upsetting circumstances or experiences, you have the ability to display profound resilience. In all matters of life, embrace your strength of character and integrity.

Here are a few Aquarius celebrities born on February 9 and their past or present romantic connections:

Mia Farrow (Aquarius) and Woody Allen (Sagittarius)
Amber Valletta (Aquarius) and Leonardo Dicaprio (Scorpio)

February 9 is associated with Birthday Number 11
February 9 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Swords