January 15 Horoscope

Being a Capricorn born on January 15th, your gifts of intelligence and discipline are complemented by tremendous loyalty. You are a natural problem solver, in part thanks to your strong, quick mind, but also because of your notable discipline. While others may fail to reach their goals, you have the fortitude to conquer any challenge you feel is worthwhile. Although your family and friends admire these qualities, they truly appreciate your loyalty. Your loved ones would probably fail to recall a time when you were not looking out for their best interest.

Your sign's elemental pair is Earth and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your connection with Earth is special in the fact that it makes you active and a self-starter, but you also possess the practicality that all Earth signs share. Your goals and interests are all based on the realistic, as you take little refuge in the realm of fantasy. It is this earthly prudence that will greatly assist you towards success. Be weary of Earth's negative qualities, which include an overly cautious and conservative mindset.

The Capricorn's ruling planet is Saturn, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a dose of Mercury's planetary influence. Saturn's influence relates to control, which explains for your discipline, responsibility and patience. In the same light, it is Mercury that connects to your intelligence and strong communication skills. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you more intellectually driven than the other Capricorn Decans. You have potential to be an outstanding communicator or public speaker, if you overcome your naturally shy demeanor. In love, you display the same commitment and loyalty seen in your friendships. Find a partner that shares in your value of faithfulness, as any other relationship may be doomed for disaster.

Your gifts for fortitude and communication will create many career opportunities for you to explore. Your intellectual interests may be well-suited for a career in science, research or education. Similarly, you may take to helping others in the public sector or political arena. You may find the most satisfaction in dedicating yourself fully to a cause, much like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was also born on January 15th. In whichever career you choose, find inspiration in the dedication and success of champion quarterback Drew Brees, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall. Although you may not realize it, your sensitivity to spiritual energy is profound. Embrace your ability to see the hidden and creative spirit in all things.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on January 15 and their past or present romantic connections:

Martin Luther King (Capricorn) and Coretta Scott King (Taurus)
Aristotle Onassis (Capricorn) and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Leo)

January 15 is associated with Birthday Number 7
January 15 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Pentacles