May 23 Horoscope

As a Gemini born on May 23rd, you feel most alive when surrounded by others. Seeing the world is important to you, but interacting with it is a necessity. For this reason, conversation is your playground and words prove to be your jungle gym or sandbox. You embrace words with an excitement and energy in a way that few others can duplicate. Your genuine interest in communication draws others in and makes you a highly sought after friend and companion.

Your sign's elemental pair is air, which also has great influence on your personality. The influence of air can breathe life into your thinking and lead to changing views and intellectual development. It can also stir up your sociability. As you embrace changing winds, you can avoid the mistake of being unmovable or stubborn. If you deny the influence of air, you run the risk of becoming detached and remote.

The Gemini's paired planet is Mercury, which harnesses the increased power of mentality and communication. Being born on May 23rd, you are apart of the first Decan, or part, of the Gemini sign, which means you have a double influence of Mercury. Your planetary influence gives you a great sense of humor, whit and innate intelligence, but it also can make you a perfectionist. While there is nothing wrong with wanting the best out of yourself and those around you, focusing too heavily on the unobtainable goal of perfection could be detrimental to your success. Take time to develop more realistic expectations, as this will play a key role in your future success.

Whether you realize it or not, your gift for communicating can open up many avenues for you to express yourself. Your quick whit and swift thinking may lead to a passion for improvisation, much like Drew Carey who was also born on May 23rd. You may chose to comment on the world around lyrically, which was the path of Jewel, another of your birthday twins.

The Sabian symbol for your birthday is the Garden of the Tuileries in Paris. You have a personality that is embraces beauty, but thrives off a good amount of order. You may find fulfillment in a more classical form and tradition.

Here are a few Gemini celebrities born on May 23 and their past or present romantic connections:

Joan Collins (Gemini) and Warren Beatty (Aries)
Douglas Fairbanks sr. (Gemini) and Mary Pickford (Aries)

May 23 is associated with Birthday Number 1
May 23 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Swords