November 17 Horoscope

As a Scorpio born on November 17th, your sensitivity, caring nature and determination define you. Your friends and family can always count on you to provide them whatever support they need during tough times. You enjoy to help others and will often sacrifice your own needs to do so. Your dedication is not limited to friendships, as you meet all aspects of your life with great determination. When there is something you want, you will not quit until it is yours.

The Scorpio's paired element is water and in fact, out of the 12 zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a fixed connection with water. Much like fierce rapids, you push through life with a stubborn determination. Similarly, the influence of water has helped you grow familiar with feelings, as you dive deeply into oceans of emotion. Embracing water's positive influences will help your compassion grow, but be careful to avoid the emotional instability that can accompany too much time in the realm of emotions.

Pluto is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, the Moon also lends you some of its planetary powers. Pluto is the planet of transformation, which explains for your determined will and pursuit of power. Oppositely, the Moon is the planet of sensitivity and directly connects to your aptitude for compassion and emotional intuition. Your unique planetary influences have combined to make you far more caring and self-sacrificing than other Scorpio Decans. A natural parent, you enjoy taking care of others and dedicating yourself to their interests. In love, you work tirelessly to build and maintain a relationship. People appreciate this quality, but would be surprised to find out that you would also benefit from being nurtured. Your natural reserve makes you easily hurt by others, but slow to reveal this pain. Open up to your loved ones, as you would be surprised by how much their support can lift your spirits.

Compassionate and determined, your natural skills can translate into success for numerous careers. Your social and emotional understanding would allow you to work well in people based careers, such as writing, lecturing, media or sales. Similarly, you may enjoy the competition and determination required for careers in business, law, or politics. The world of entertainment could do well to satisfy your creative needs, which was the case for Rachel McAdams and Danny Devito, who both share your November 17th birthday.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an x-ray photograph. While it is a lifelong journey to acquire firm spiritual understanding, it is a less difficult task to obtain structural knowledge. Humanity has developed the capacity to acquire knowledge of all tangible parts of existence and you can also have this knowledge.

Here are a few Scorpio celebrities born on November 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Rachel McAdams (Scorpio) and Ryan Gosling (Scorpio)
Danny Devito (Scorpio) and Rhea Perlman (Aries)

November 17 is associated with Birthday Number 1
November 17 is associated with Tarot Card 7 of Cups