September 17 Horoscope

As a Virgo born on September 17th, you are characterized by your sensitive, artistic and reserved nature. While some people live for the spotlight, you cannot relate. You find much greater comfort in the background, where you can go about your business undisturbed. While your coworkers and peers may only witness your reserve, your family and friends get a much more exciting picture, as you are comfortable to share all of your private thoughts and feelings.

Earth is your sign's paired element, and of all the zodiac signs, the Virgo is the only to have a fixed relationship with the element. At times you may find yourself to be stubborn, but this is only the product of the stability you demand from your environment. You want the various aspects of your life to be just as reliable as the ground you walk on. It is earth's influence that keeps you practical, pragmatic and pursuing realistic goals. Although Earth's influence is a great asset, be careful to avoid becoming overly cautious, as this will actually hinder your success.

The Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a helping of Venus's planetary powers as well. Mercury is the planet of communication and its influence helps explain for your mental and social capabilities. Venus is the planet of harmony, which explains the tremendous sensitivity and artistic appreciation that you possess. Your planetary influence is unique and makes you far more sensitive than the other Virgo Decans. You will always love to find the beauty in things, which is great because you have a natural ability to do so. Your sensitivity leaves you emotionally vulnerable at times, but it is also the source of your greatest happiness, as it allows you to love easily and fully.

There are few more difficult challenges in life than selecting a career, but take refuge in the fact that your natural capabilities are well-suited for numerous career paths. You may find it appealing to work behind the scenes in career such as business or law. Your analytical abilities may also be a good fit for accounting, finance, or writing. Your artistic inclination may lead you to creative careers, such as music. If this is the case, look at the groundbreaking lyrics of Hank Williams Sr., who was also born on September 17th, for inspiration. In whichever career you choose, allow the methodical and reserved style of Phil Jackson, another of your celebrity birthday twins, guide you.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a flag at half-mast in front of a public building. There is much joy and pride to be found in recognition and accolades. You may be on the brink of being recognized for your hard work. Enjoy the moment when it arrives, as there is nothing better than a sense of fulfillment.

Here are a few Virgo celebrities born on September 17 and their past or present romantic connections:

Anne Bancroft (Virgo) and Mel Brooks (Cancer)
Cassandra Elivra Peterson (Virgo) and Elvis Presley (Capricorn)

September 17 is associated with Birthday Number 8
September 17 is associated with Tarot Card 10 of Pentacles